- High Quality Kagzi Badam from Kashmir.
- Deliery : 5-7 days
- No Return No Exchange
- Packed under most Hygienic Conditions.
- Healthy Almonds have 42 oil content in them. They have 16.5% protein content and 41% oil content.
- It is the best wholesome source of vitamin E.
- They are absolutely cholesterol free.
- Almonds contain phosphorus that helps in making stronger teeth and bones.
- They regulate blood pressure: Almonds help in regulating blood pressure because they are high in potassium and low in sodium.
- Skin benefits: Almonds are great for your skin; they make your skin softer, more supple and flawless
- Boosts energy: If you are in the habit of consuming cups of coffee and energy drinks to get a boost of energy, try eating almonds instead! Riboflavin, copper and manganese in the nuts will give you stamina.
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