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Vastu Shastra for Home Makeovers

Vastu Shastra or Vastu is the traditional science of architecture practised in the Hindu community. The ideas and concepts of Vastu Shastra are models for the organisation of space and form within a room or a collection of rooms or structures, based on their functions in relation to each other, as well as their purpose and usage. While Vastu Shastra includes advice and guidelines for all rooms design in a home—such as the bedroom, kitchen, living room, playroom, home office, prayer room and the outdoor spaces—its science has also been incorporated in the building of cities, townships, gardens, roads, waterworks, and other large public areas. The basic principle of Vastu is to integrate the architecture with the five natural elements, namely, fire, water, air, sky, and earth.

For a house to become a home, it needs to radiate the right kind of energy. According to a number of traditional beliefs, each home comes with its own energy type. A person dwelling in a house comes under the influence of a specific energy field, which in turn influences him in one way or the other. Therefore it’s very crucial to understand the link between the healing art of Vastu and our homes in honing positivity and good vibes.

1. Vastu for the Main Entrance: Doorway

According to Vastu Shastra, the main entrance to a home is not only the entry point for the family, but also for energy. As per Vastu, the main door should be constructed in a way to ensure that when you step out, you face the north, east or north-east direction.Considered as the “archway to victory and progress in life”, the main door should face north, east or in the north-east direction. It must be constructed in a way to ensure that when you step out, you face the north, east or north-east direction.

The main door to your home should be constructed with superior quality wood. It should tower above the other doors in your house, and look the most appealing.

If there is a wall at the entrance, don’t leave it naked. Naked wall represent loneliness especially if it is at the entrance. It looks sad and negative. Show your creativity and decorate the wall. You can hang the picture of the God or place a statue there; it all depends on you.

Avoid placing a fountain, or any other decorative water-centric element, outside the main door.

Avoid placing a shoe rack or dustbin outside the main door.

There shouldn’t be a bathroom near the main door.

Ensure the main entrance is well lit.

Avoid painting the main door black.

Decorate your door with beautiful nameplates and auspicious torans.

Avoid placing animal statues or figurines near the main door.

Ensure your main door opens in a clockwise manner.


Health is wealth! You cannot be healthy without a good sleep. The bedroom should be arranged according to the rules of vastu.  For the master bedroom to be harmonious and happy, it should be built facing the South-West and never the South-East, as this second direction is governed by the element of fire.

Since this is a space to unwind, rest and relax, consider using a softer colour palette for a Vastu-compliant style. Avoid also the use of photographs representing unrest, strife or war, alongside with anything that stirs unhappy or negative emotions, to not disturb the restful vibe of the room.

 Keep the bedroom well lit with natural lights during the day. Let the fresh air flow into the room by keeping the windows open for at least 20 minutes every day.

 If it is the room of a couple, keep a single mattress instead of double. It is the symbol of togetherness.

Mirrors should not be located inside the bedroom as they lead to frequent quarrels among the members of the house.

The bed should be located in a way that allows your head to rest towards the South or the East, as these directions bring good sleep and ensure a long life. Don’t put the bed in the corner or pushed along the wall.


Vastu shastra is all about balancing and adjusting the energies of the nature to bring peace and prosperity to your home and eventually in your life. Kitchen is the food factory of our home and it needs to be in perfect balance because the two opposite force of nature, fire and water, exist here.

As per vaastu shastra, south-east is the ideal kitchen direction for every household. Southern or eastern directions are secondary choices.  Avoid kitchen directly under or above pooja/prayer room.

Do not have kitchen directly under or above toilets.

Avoid kitchen directly under or above bedroom.

Do not place cooking gas burner or stove directly in front kitchen’s entrance door.

Do not have main door of kitchen in any corners; place it in East, North or West wall.

A kitchen in North-East causes mental tension among family members and they suffer great losses.

Kitchen in South-West leads to clashes among family members.

A kitchen in North-West direction is acceptable but it leads to increase in monetary expenditure.

Most dangerous kitchen is the one placed in North direction; as North is Lord Kubera’s (the God of Wealth) direction, having kitchen in North will increase expenditure of family beyond expectations and control.

Never face west while cooking as this leads to severe health problems to the cook.

If – while cooking – the cook faces south then family has to face monetary losses.

Avoid black color for kitchen wall and flooring.

Avoid keeping refrigerator in North-East direction.

4. Sparkling fortune

Sparkling clean glass of windows and doors attracts fresh and positive energy in your home and to your life. If you have space, create a small garden outside the window and have curved pathway or pave the path with pebbles and install a fountain. Keep a water fountain in the north-east part of your home and make sure that the flow of water is constant. Flowing water symbolizes the flow of energy and prosperity.

5. Swimming in the positive energy

Bring home an aquarium and with it bring home positive energy. Aquarium attracts fortune and wealth. Make sure that the fishes in the aquarium are healthy, active, strong swimmer and always on the move. The constant movement of the fish will keep the flow of wealth energized. Keep the water well aerated and clean. The ideal place for the aquarium is the north-east position of the room.

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Myths About Food & Nutrition

There are so many food myths and misinformation around that it’s sometimes hard to know what is actually good for you and what we should be eating.

Top Food Myths people believe :

Myth 1: Juices help reduce weight and cut calorie intake.

Fact: Juices have concentrated source of energy and additional sugar content. Consuming whole fruit is more beneficial for health

Myth 2: Oranges are the best natural source of vitamin C

Fact : Strawberries actually contain more Vitamin C than oranges (57mg/100g compared to 42mg/100g for easy peeler oranges). Just seven strawberries provide the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C which contributes to the normal function of the immune system along with the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Myth 3 :Carrots help you to see in the dark

Fact : This is a myth but carrots do contain Vitamin A which is important for good vision.

Myth 4 : Refined oils are 99% fat free.

Fact : All refined oils,irrespective of their composition,are 99% fat. It may vary across trade names. 1 tea spoon of refined oil contains 45 Kcal.

Myth 5 :Too much of any fruit rots your teeth

Fact : Fruits which have a high acid content can damage the enamel of your teeth if eaten excessively. However, the sugar in most fruits will not rot your teeth.

Myth 6 :Nuts are fattening & to be avoided in order to lose weight.

Fact: A handful of nuts can be part of a healthy weight loss program. Nuts are high in calories and fat. However.they contain healthy fats and are a good source of protein, dietary fiber and minerals like magnesium & copper.

Myth 7: Steam or Sauna helps in weight loss.

Fact: These stimulate muscles; boost sweating; will result only in short term loss of fluid but cannot reduce body fat. No sooner you drink a glass of water, original weight comes back.

Myth 8 : You have to workout for 45 minutes at a stretch to get benefit from exercise.

Fact: Plenty of studies show that walking 30 minutes, three times a week,too benefits tremendously. Ideally, your target should be at least 30 minutes 5 times a week.

Myth 9 : Skipping breakfast help you lose weight

Fact : Some people skip breakfast to cut their food intake and try to lose weight, but research shows the opposite is actually true. Eating a high fibre, low GI breakfast helps keep you fuller for longer which means you’re less likely to snack on high-fat and sugary foods mid-morning. In fact, studies show  people who skip breakfast especially children and mothers , are likely to weigh more than regular breakfast eaters .

Myth 10 : Fresh vegetables are more nutritious than Frozen vegetables.

Fact: Research has consistently found fresh and frozen vegetables to have a similar nutritional value, with frozen vegetables actually sometimes having more. With so many people struggling to eat enough vegetables each day, having a steady supply of vegetables handy in the freezer can be an easy and cost effective way to eat more. That said, growing your own vegetables in your garden and eating them shortly after picking is a highly nutritious and super cheap way to get in more of the good stuff!

Myth 11 : Coconut oil is good for you.

Fact:There is very little (if any) scientific support for many of the claims that have been made about the health benefits and healing qualities of coconut oil. Although coconut oil may be better for your cholesterol levels than butter, it still is 90% saturated fat! While it can increase good ‘HDL’ cholesterol it also increases bad ‘LDL’ cholesterol.

While a small amount of coconut oil is okay occasionally, quality unsaturated fats like olive oil or canola oil are a better choice for health. They not only help to increase good ‘HDL’ cholesterol but more importantly decrease bad ‘LDL’ cholesterol too.

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Feng Shui Home Decor Tips for A Peaceful, Prosperous Space

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that seeks to find balance and harmony between elements. The words literally mean “windwater,” which are associated with good luck, and good health. Not only are these two elements basic and vital to human existence, but they also move and flow around the world. Incorporating feng shui goes beyond Western design tenets of comfort or aesthetic. Instead it places emphasis on physical and mental health, success, and healthy relationships, which is brought on through positive energy flow.

The five important elements of feng shui are wood, metal, earth, water, and fire.

Symbolizes growth and vitality. Placing wood items in your space encourages personal growth. Plants and wooden furniture are easy ways to add this element.

Symbolizes logic and intelligence. It supports knowledge and mental sharpness. Add this element to your space with metal frames or sculptures.

Symbolizes stability and balance. It helps to ground and stabilize. Bring the earth element inside with rocks, crystals and landscape imagery.

Symbolizes wisdom and serenity. It helps with clarity and relaxation. Mirrors, reflective surfaces and aquariums are ways to add the water element to your space.

Symbolizes passion and energy. It’s representative of transformation, expansion and volatility. Use candles and red objects to enhance your space with fire.

To increase the amount of good vibes in your home, follow these easy feng shui home decor tips 

Good Chi Flow in a Clear, Open Space

The single most important objective in creating feng shui is allowing for the flow of good energy, or chi, throughout your home. Chi brings good health, wealth and luck. When you see the homes of wealthy people, the number one thing that you actually see is open space. An abundance of open space. Strange, no? Rarely do you see wealthy houses full to the brim with all sorts of stuff. It is the luxury of open space and plenty of breathing room that attracts more wealth energy. In feng shui terms this basically means there is open space to allow more and to enjoy more. To create more, explore more and be more .

Declutter your home

Clutter is stuck energy, and the essence of cluttered spaces  – as well as the dominant energy of people who live in cluttered spaces – is based on fear mixed with pessimism.  Decluttering must be thorough—simply hiding your stuff won’t cut it. Items under the furniture, overloaded bookcases and closets, and outdated or broken items all affect chi flow .Directly connected to the concept of a clutter clear space is clear organization. If you do not have an organized house, chances are you will start quickly accumulating clutter again. Each item in your home deserves a space of its own, no matter how small; this makes for a peaceful house with strong and clear energy.

Add plant :

Nature is the ultimate manifestation of unlimited wealth and abundance, so replicating the lush energy of nature in your home will help you attract the same quality of energy. Money Plant or not, lucky Bamboo or not, know that decorating your home with lush, verdant happy plants in good looking, solid pots is an excellent feng shui wealth magnet. Plants also attract vibrant chi energy due to their life force. As long as the plants are kept healthy, you’re attracting good energy.

Some plants are better for feng shui than others. In fact, some plants, like cactus, are considered bad feng shui, because they lack the need for water (water is like wealth), or they’re spiky and “unfriendly.”

Here’s a list of some of the best (and luckiest) plants you can invite into your space. Most of these plants are low-maintenance, and do very well indoors:

  • Lucky Bamboo
  • Peace Lily
  • Ficus
  • Rubber Plant
  • English Ivy
  • Palm
  • Boston Fern
  • Philodendron
  • Spider Plant

Use Feng Shui Wealth Colors

Colors play a very important role in feng shui; add them through wall art, decorative objects or paint.

Here’s a general list of what each color activates:

  • Red: luck and wealth
  • Orange: happiness and fun
  • Yellow: mental stimulation, power
  • Green: peace, balance, healing
  • Blue: calmness, communication, spirtuality
  • Purple: wealth, high spirituality
  • White: cleansing and purity
  • Black: power, especially when paired with red
  • Brown: nurturing

Feng Shui Wealth Cures

There is a variety of popular classical feng shui money cures that can work for you as wealth magnets (if you genuinely like them). The top 5 classical feng shui wealth cures are:

1. The Laughing Buddha

2Arowana fish figurines (or real aquariums made to feng shui specifications)

3. The feng shui money frog

4. Various hangings and tassels made with Chinese coins

5. The wealth vase.

These are just the basics of feng shui; there’s much more to the art and science, including directions, numbers, elements and more. Getting started with these tips should be a good start; you should feel the difference in your space in no time!

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Work From Home : A Corporate Trend now ?

Wrk from Home- A corporate trend now

Remote work was very rare a decade ago. Working from home was usually only available as a special arrangement to accommodate families in specific cases. Remote employment was limited to the jobs of telemarketing or customer services. Over the years with advance technology , business started growing with remote employee. Full time jobs are now being  considered for work from home (WFH). There is pragmatic change in thinking of  Managers also  that personal direct reporting is not needed for success of business.

The current lockdown by different authorities due to Pandemic Coronavirus  in the world has forced companies to think of Work from Home ( WFH ) Option. 

The biggest question comes in mind  “will it be a Corporate Trend now “. To find out the answer, we need to look into different Pros and Cons for Work from Home.

In countries like USA, Work from Home was already there but was applicable to roughly 20 % work force. For India , it is something new. Comparing USA and India, there is big difference in work culture and attitude for both employees and  employer. Leaving IT sector BPO, all other sector are in same boat. So we have to see viability in Indian context.

Over the years,  service sector has become key driver for Indian GDP. Service sector is contributing approximately 56% of GDP and employing roughly 32 % of work force.  when we talk about WFH, we have to keep in mind service sector.

To keep services interrupted during lockdown due to Covid-19, Companies especially in IT sector have moved majority of their work force to WFH. They are finding it beneficial as companies services are running. But other than services, there are other beneficial things also.

Cost Saving :  Cities like Mumbai, Bangalore , Delhi NCR or you take any Tier-1 city, cost of office is very high. For big companies in India, cost per employee comes in between 1.5 to 2 lakhs per annum. For smaller companies, it is more. Then comes additional cost of transportation, air conditioning, furnishing and cafeteria. As per studies in Work from home, average cost per employee will come down by roughly 25% to 35%. That is a big saving in any standard.

Convenience : This is another big thing which will come in aid to the companies. Work from Home will encourage more women to join work force as hassle of daily travel will be done with. Flexible Timing In Work from Home will encourage mothers to join as she can easily juggle between Home and office work.

You can hire the best, no matter  where they are. No office means, you can work with anyone in the world… Employee can work for longer hours. Wasting time on useless meetings will be over. Boss distraction is less in WFH giving strength to new thought that direct personal reporting is not needed always.

Loyalty towards company can also increase. Employees will take less sick leaves and above all need  of vacation will come down. Stress level will come down and a better work-life balance.

Looking at flip side,  where we will loose

Productivity : Biggest loss will be productivity. While it may look easy but working from home isn’t as easy as it appears. The absence of water cooler conversations, impromptu meetings and cafeteria discussions with colleagues could impact productivity. People need to meet to brainstorm.
Live video feeds help out-of-office workers see and speak to one another in real time but We will lose the human touch.  

Difficulty sticking to a routine. The order you do things at work is almost never the order you do things at home. It can be tough to mirror your schedule and processes once outside the office.

Many companies don’t allow smart phones during work. How that will be controlled.

In majority of  Indian homes, it will be difficult to get a dedicated space to set up a office. People need to see the infrastructure issue of Power back up and Broadband lines.  Making a suitable arrangement for working at odd hours  could also be a problem. These can bring down the productivity.

Security Risk : Another major issue will be risk involving client data.  Several critical and financial details of several government entities and global clients are supported by Indian IT companies. WFH can put their data in compromising position.

Lastly work  from home can be treated as commercial establishment resulting in increase in tariffs.

Fighting the change may do more harm than good. Instead of resisting the change, organizations should improve their  remote work policies and capabilities. But its too early to say . A complete evaluation for Pros and Cons is need of hour.

Being efficient working from home can be a challenge. There are tons of distractions, less accountability, and less communication than when you’re working in the office. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. We can only say , please follow some guidelines if you have Work from Home.

  • Create a healthy work space. Good light, comfortable temperature, ergonomic adjustable chair, Laptop, telephone headset, etc.
  • Keep yourself to regular work hours.Establish ground rules for work hour, interruptions etc
  • Regular breaks are important for mental balance. Set up your alarm for regular breaks for meals, coffee, minor        chores or simply to get up from your seat and stand for a bit.
  • Dress like you are at work. Even if you won’t be interacting with another person all day, it’s important to dress for success. This includes showering and brushing your teeth! This will tell your brain that it’s work time, not relaxation time, and that will give you a lot more energy. Sweatpants and a T-shirt might be more comfortable, but you may also feel sluggish, sleepy, or unmotivated.
  • No roomies allowed. Being efficient working from home is all about boundaries. This also means setting boundaries for kids, pets, and your spouse or roommates. Try to encourage them to leave you alone while you are working so you can stay focused.
  •  Stay in the loop. One of the best things about working in an office is the potential for collaboration and socialization. You don’t have to lose this just because you are working from home. Try to check in with your coworkers at least a couple of times per week, whether by email, phone, Skype, or even in person. Make sure you keep up on a personal level as well as a professional level. You can do this without taking a lot of time–just share the things that are most important, and encourage your coworkers to do the same.

I think if you can follow these guidelines, Work from Home days will be your best days of life.

Author : Sudesh Kachroo, Consultant Retail

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