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Kacchi Haldi Organic – Health Benefits

Haldi needs no introduction as it’s a part of most of the curries, vegetables, dals etc. It also has health benefits and fixes many health problems. It is known for its antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. But kacchi haldi is the root plant which is used as a spice which is unadulterated and unprocessed. Most of the benefits are due to the presence of a compound called curcumin in haldi

1. Aids Digestion- Kacchi Haldi is known for improving digestion and trigger bile production and provide relief from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

2. Joint Pain- it has anti-inflammatory properties so helps in joint pain, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Role in chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s helps to reduce chronic inflammation in the above diseases

4. Antioxidants properties – Kacchi haldi has antioxidant properties which protect the cell from damage and helps to fight infection. It also cures a variety of skin ailments, cold and cough

5. Curcumin in its raw form also known for its antiseptic properties

6. Acts as a blood purifier and also helps in eliminating toxins from the blood

7. Maintain blood sugar level and plays a role in controlling diabetes and insulin resistance

8. It also aids in weight loss as it reduces inflammation and water retention in the body

9. Anti-bacterial properties also help in treating urinary tract infection

10. Kacchi Haldi could be a perfect ointment to any kind of cuts or injuries and it is an excellent pain reliever also.

The best way to use Kacchi haldi is to mix it in warm water or boil in milk along with ginger and cinnamon powder to get additional health benefits. Also, it is important to take curcumin with black pepper or peppercorns as it helps in the absorption of kacchi haldi.

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Due to the uncountable health benefits Tulsi has, it is considered as the ‘Golden remedy of Ayurveda’. A Tulsi plant is present in every Indian household as we worship the plant and use it for medicinal purposes. And so, we are sure you never thought that Tulsi can have any side effects. But much to our dismay, these leaves packed with goodness can have some potential health implications too

May not be good for diabetic patients

Various studies claim that Tulsi can lower blood sugar levels. And if someone is already taking medicines for diabetes then the intake of Tulsi leaves may enhance the effect and cause the sugar level to fall too low.
May interfere with blood thinning medicines

The herb is known to cause thinning of the blood. It’s a good home remedy for people who don’t want to take medicine for the same purpose. But people who are already taking medicines for blood thinning, if they take Tulsi too, it may adversely affect their health.

​It may cause damage to the liver
According to World Health Organisation, people who are on medications like acetaminophen (pain reliever) have a greater risk of liver damage if they consume the holy basil regularly. This is because both are pain relievers. When they both work together, they tend to affect the functioning of the liver.

Not suitable for pregnant women
Tulsi leaves can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman and her embryo. In severe cases, it can even lead to a miscarriage. The herb, due to the presence of estragol in it, may cause uterus contractions that may be dangerous. These leaves can also affect menstrual cycle of a woman and can cause diarrhoea.

May stain your teeth
You must have always been told not to chew Tulsi leaves and rather swallow them as chewing them is said to be disrespectful. But there is a scientific reason behind the same. Tulsi leaves have iron which may stain your teeth when chewed. You should simply gulp them down to avoid discolouration of your teeth.